Tuesday, June 7, 2011

     In a month I got a call from Reena saying that she had bought a 20,000 bedroom house on Jupiter. Me, Charlotte and our large new families flew too Jupiter in Charlottes posh rocket ship. 

 Jesus Christ! Reena's house was flippin huge! It was even bigger then my house in london! She had  200 servants and Bill Gates  doing her laundry!  

 It turns out Reena had become rich simply by discovering that one jupitarian dollar ( martian currency) was worth one million canadian dollars. When she visited Jupiter all she had too do was find a twenty dollar jupitarian dollar on the ground and.....$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
       After a while I realized that my  homies from the year 2011 had no idea where the hell I was. I  used my I phone 20 too contact them. I told my amigo Charlotte what had happened and invited her for tea. How she travelled back in time we will never know. I lent Charlotte my i phone and in two hours she had built a recording studio on the moon. We had a grand opening for the studio and invited all our other chums from the future over. Doctor who was invited and because he was feeling generous ( and was slightly drunk) he pulled out ten other i phone twenties and gave them to several people at random. Two of these people included Charlotte and another amigo called Reena.  The other 8  I phones ended up in the hands of Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Keith Moon,  Brad Pitt ,  Richard Nixon and  three unknown people in the crowd.  

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Peter Sellers.
 MONTY PYTHON(from left to right): Eric Idle, Graham Chapman, Micheal Palin, John Cleese, Terry Gillian, and Terry Jones.
Keith Moon.

                                                  Pete Townshend.
                                      John Entwhistle ............... guitar hoarder
                                             Roger Daltrey..... what an outfit.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

                                        George Harrison

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Paul McCartney..... his picture says all.
                                                      John lennon
Here are some... erm, interesting pictures.

  This is what it looks like from the outside.
 this is what our living room looks like from the inside...

 In about a month I learned that the Beatles, the who, Monty python and Peter sellers were all pretty good friends. We all decided to pool in our money too buy a large house together. this house.... 
is not our house. Our house is much larger then this. In fact it takes up more then half of london england.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

 Hello everyone! I am possibly one of the most fascinating people you will ever meet. This is a - lets say - an interesting take on my life. It is 100% "true".

This is where my story begins....

   On my way home from the bus stop, after an extremely dull day at school, I came across a strange fellow. He called himself "the doctor", and was famous for the british television show Doctor who which told the story of his life. He had his time traveling machine with him and I asked if I could borrow it. He refused. "Wow", I thought," I have just been put down by a 600 year old alien dude, how much lower can I get?" Then Doc told me that in the future the company called apple would invent an i-phone that had a time traveling and tellaport app. It only made 100 of them because there latest invention called the i-robot got chaotic. Doctor Who happened to have one of these I-phones, and having no use for it, gave it to me.( what an idiot!) Being a rock' n roll loving kid who was clearly born into the wrong generation, I traveled back in time to when all my idols were still young and hip (or in some cases still alive) and friended them all. In one week I was pals with the who, the beatles, monty python and loads more. This is where my story begins....(have I already said that?)